What has been happening at Mike Whitfield Copnstruction Ltd?

Big gap on updates, only because we have been very busy making sure our clients are having the houses they dreamt of.    Between 2019 up to 2023, MWC has built 12 certifiable Passive Houses and currently working on two Barn conversions,  one of which should be fitted to EnerPHit standars – a quality approved retrofit with Passivhaus components certification-.

   More info soon available to showcase the work done!


Welcome to Mike Whitfield Construction

This is a small business with many years experience of energy efficient construction. The director, Mike Whitfield, works on site with site operatives who are both male and female, cover a wide age range, and are all sympathetic with environment conscious and conservation building. Our ideal projects allow us to combine the soul quality and artistic freedom of traditional craftsmanship with the thermal performance of an energy efficient modern building.


Old Holloway wins small projects category in 2018 Passivhaus Trust Awards

Self builder (and Architype architect) Juraj Mikurcik won this award for his superbly designed and detailed single storey house. The shell was completed to ‘lock up’ by Mike Whitfield Construction Ltd.  


The full project blog can be viewed here:
